Climate Change

Countries in the Horn of Africa face the pressing threat of climate changes along with interrelated challenges on governance, security and access to finance. At Asal we aim to develop sustainable and whole-of-society solutions that address environmental and climate-related issues. This includes initiatives to mitigate the impact of climate change, adapt to its effects, and promote resilience in the region's communities and ecosystems.  

Pulling together three key areas of Asal’s service expertise and approaches (governance, research, and market), Asal’s work on climate change tackles it as a “multiplier”. This lens has helped us to understand and trace climate change as an underlying root cause of many current challenges faced in the region today. We strongly believe that sustainable development is a right of all and support our partners to secure growth through a climate consciousness approach. We adopt innovative approaches to deliver change through faith inspired climate action drawing on Islamic Principles, whole-of-society approach and Somali women led solutions to advance gender equality. 

Climate Governance   

Asal’s climate governance services build on our proven track record in delivering tailored technical support to local and national government institutions. Drawing on participatory and contextual research, we weave local forms of climate knowledge with international state of art research to build unique products that help national decision-makers with developing and implementing appropriate climate policies.   We center local expertise and leadership – Our team has the expertise, credibility and experience in thinking and working politically to build equitable partnerships with local leaders and communities to build long term resilience and sustainable development.

Knowledge & Data Equity  

Asal offers contextual and participatory research in urban, peri-urban and rural settings that contributes to knowledge about the impacts of climate change on communities and institutions. We use this knowledge as basis to strengthen government capacity to develop and implement appropriate climate policies. Through evidence-informed climate dialogues, Asal promotes citizens’ active engagement with policymakers to achieve accelerated and inclusive climate action.