
Asal focuses on enhancing governance systems, processes, and institutions in the Horn of Africa. We take a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to delivering our governance services and adopt strategies to influence positive, long-lasting outcomes in partnership with communities, governments and clients. We leverage expertise and experience to share innovative solutions advancing transparency, accountability, and citizen participation to foster an enable environment for inclusive and sustainable development. 

Public Administration Reform

Leading real change in the public sector calls for innovative approaches anchored in local experience and knowledge. Across all of Asal’s areas of expertise we combine our creativity, ideas and energy to implement viable strategies and actions that deliver on clearly defined objectives. Our methodology is both structured and intuitive, with an ability to adapt to changing environments whilst remaining effective and meaningful in its delivery. We build a shared understanding of the change sought, create buy-in among diverse actors, and deliver context-specific technical expertise. Asal public administration work is iterative, adaptive, and based on shared learnings with our clients and stakeholders.  


Countries transitioning to democracy require support that is comprehensive and covers the entire election cycle. Our democratisation capabilities include support to elections, political pluralism, public dialogue/debate, and independent accountability mechanisms. Our experts are election practitioners and democratisation scholars who can put knowledge to action.

We offer:
  • Assessments and technical assistance through independent advisory services to electoral institutions on election management and administration;
  • Election monitoring: support to nonpartisan election monitoring to enhance public confidence, detect irregulars and create an important source of information;
  • Voter education and awareness: promoting greater understanding of democratic processes through creative measures.

Rule of Law & Constitution

Asal supports justice chain institutions to deliver more responsive, accountable and accessible services to users. We strengthen their knowledge base by combining theoretical knowledge with our rich experience of legal practice.  

Our support includes:
  • Designing technical assistance and training programs for the judiciary, along with special components for law enforcement agencies, lawmaking institutions and Ministries of Justice.  
  • Supporting the design and implementation of case-management systems and development of legal tools to formalise and digitise justice reforms for greater transparency and accessibility;
  • Internal and external accountability and oversight mechanisms: We help justice institutions introduce and maintain effective accountability and oversight mechanisms, through the drafting of tailored codes of conduct, justice audits; support with the setting up of performance benchmarks and enhancing transparency by strengthening legal reasoning and decision-making capabilities.
  • Establishment and enhancement of inter and intra-institutional cooperation and capacity through joint training programs between the police, prosecution office and senior leadership coordination.


A well functioning constitutional order can foster more peaceful, inclusive and equitable societies. Asal provides imaginative and effective interventions to help entrench a broader culture of constitutionalism in fragile and conflict affected countries. We have unrivalled technical legal expertise in Somali and comparative constitutional law. We design and facilitate credible, legitimate and meaningful public participation and consultations as part of constitution making or review processes. We work with constitutional bodies on interventions to improve compliance with constitutional requirements and overall strengthen the implementation of the constitution.