Our Work

We build systems. We build leaders. We build platforms for connecting, convening and collaborating.

What We Do

What We Do

Our team’s dedication, strategic partnerships, and multidisciplinary approaches position us as leaders in advancing sustainable development in the region and beyond.

Asal is at the forefront of addressing the most pressing and diverse challenges faced in the region. We are dedicated to driving positive change in the region through our services and deep expertise in key areas shaping development. With a team rich in experience implementing comprehensive solutions across the region.

Asal focuses on Climate Change, Security, Justice, Stabilisation, Governance, Market Development, and Research and Learning. Our service avenues form the bedrock of our multidisciplinary approach, boosted by strategic collaborations and a constant dedication to driving sustainable development in the region.

What We Do

Asal focuses on strengthening public governance, developing markets, supporting research uptake, and advancing locally-led climate action in the region. Since our establishment in 2016, Asal has emerged as a leader in addressing complex development challenges. We have a distinguished history of providing technical assistance, rapidly assembling teams of subject matter experts, and delivering evidence-based solutions. Our multidisciplinary approach enables us to work across key sectors such as climate change, security, justice, governance, market development, and research.

Our core service areas - Climate Change, Security, Justice, Stabilisation, Governance, Market Development, and Research and Learning - form the foundation of our approach. These efforts are enhanced by strategic collaborations and a steadfast commitment to promoting sustainable development.

In addressing the most complex challenges in the region, Asal draws on multidisciplinary approaches, strengthened by strategic partnerships to address today's BIG development challenges in the region.

We create spaces for change in the public and private sectors across the Horn of Africa by bringing the right people together to align agendas, define needs and co-create sustainable solutions. Explore our diverse services and see how our core service areas, built on practical experience of delivering complex interventions across the region contribute to positive change in the region.

Our Services

Explore our diverse services and see how our tailored solutions lead change in the region.

Climate Change

Asal recognises the pressing challenges posed by climate change in the Horn of Africa. Through this service area, we aim to develop sustainable solutions that address environmental and climate-related issues. This includes initiatives to mitigate the impact of climate change, adapt to its effects, and promote resilience in the region's communities and ecosystems.

Governance and Security

In post-civil war regions like the Somali-speaking areas, Asal works to improve security infrastructure, access to justice, and overall stability, fostering trust and facilitating lasting peace and development. Effective governance is also paramount. Asal focuses on enhancing governance systems in the Horn of Africa, promoting transparency, accountability, and citizen participation for inclusive and sustainable development.

Research and Learning

Informed decision-makingis the cornerstone of effective development. Asal conducts research and learning initiatives to gather insights, data, and knowledge. We use this information to design evidence-based programs and policies, ensuring that our efforts are well-informed and adapted to the specific context of the Somali-speaking regions.

Market Development

Economic growth and market development are vital for improving livelihoods. Asal supports the growth of local markets by facilitating entrepreneurship, trade, and investment. Our work in this area helps stimulate economic opportunities and job creation, which are critical for the region's development.

Project Highlights

Explore Asal’s projects to see how our initiatives positively impact individuals and communities.

Project Highlights

Nabadaynta Somaalia

Somali Security & Justice Programme (SSJP I)

Data (In), Conflict Fragility and Climate Knowledge in Somalia

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The Asal Way

The 'Asal Way' defines our philosophy and approaches to deliver programmes and services. Our approaches enhance Asal's technical and delivery capabilities.
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Communities Of Practice

Join vibrant communities of professionals and enthusiasts dedicated to driving positive change in the Horn of Africa. Asal's communities of practice (COPs) foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking among like-minded individuals passionate about specific thematic areas. Engage with fellow members, access exclusive papers, participate in discussions, and provide feedback to contribute to collective learning and advancement within your community. Explore our COPs tailored to diverse thematic areas and join us in shaping the future of development in the region.

Thought Leadership

Explore Asal's innovative ideas and groundbreaking insights that shape the discourse in the Horn of Africa. Our thought-leadership section is a hub of forward-thinking perspectives, cutting-edge research, and visionary strategies aimed at addressing the region's most pressing challenges. Delve into our thought-provoking analyses, thought leadership pieces, and strategies that guide our transformative initiatives.

Research and Learning

Discover insights reports, studies, and articles that inform decision-making in development, governance, and climate action.
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Case Studies

Discover Asal's real-world impact. Explore compelling narratives showcasing our projects and tangible outcomes.

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