Market Development

Asal builds capacities and commitments and leverage enterprise-driven development. Economic growth and market development are vital for improving livelihoods. Asal supports the growth of local markets by facilitating entrepreneurship, trade, and investment. Our work in this area helps stimulate economic opportunities and job creation, which are critical for the region's development.  Asal’s vision is to be a different type of partner in the region. We build business networks and platforms to overcome challenges for markets on access to finance, inclusive and sustainable growth, and knowledge and skills sharing. Asal convened spaces help businesses leverage resources, inform policy development, and learn from one another and collaborate. We focus on the critical role of women in the private sector through original research, thought leadership events, and product development.

Business Environment Reform

A business ecosystem drives economic growth, innovation and job creation, which are critical factors for reconstruction and development. Asal works directly with businesses and the wider business ecosystem to develop sound operations, compliance strategies, standard legal structures and risk management. Using leading management tools and strategies, we support increased impact, strengthened partnerships, and effective change management to ensure that businesses are positioned to anticipate and respond to rapidly changing business environments. We offer direct support services, insights, and real-time data to support clients and the business environment in transitioning to more cohesive, prosperous and professional operations.

Public Private Dialogue 

To help achieve the right balance of development impact and business benefit, Asal works with the Somali private sector to utilise the Public Private Dialogue (PPD) framework to strengthen the partnership of public officials and business community. Asal Consulting also works with business leaders to raise awareness and ensure the private sector has input into government policy at the design stage. This supports the adoption and enacting of practical and relevant business policies and laws.