Islamic-Based Programming Webinar

July 6, 2023
11:00 AM
Discover insights from our reach on how Islamic Principles shape discourses around security & Justice in Somalia. The discussion aims to explore the application of Islamic principles in the context of security and justice reform, particularly focusing on the Federal Member States (FMS) of Jubaland and the South-West State in Somalia. Our initiative, the Islamic Based Programming (IBP) study, has delved into the role of Islamic frameworks, principles, and religious actors in politics, security, and justice in Somalia. The study has identified key Islamic-based principles that diverse participants find valuable in addressing security and justice challenges, leading to the formulation of seven recommendations based on the findings. Nabadgelinta Somalia is a seven-year programme (2022-2029) focused on justice and security reform, supporting ministries of Justice and Judiciaries to modernise workflows and participate in key policy and constitutional development. As the lead implementing partner, Asal's involvement extends to key political, legal, policy, and constitutional developments that inform the reform of the justice system.

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